In the heat of motivation or a newfound joy, we feel aglow, as if within us there burns a thousand stars. In that moment we need neither reason nor explanation for why we feel so ready and willing for anything that we may encounter. All we know is we feel so ablaze that nothing will be able to stand between us and our endeavor. This passion is beautiful; it is contagious, all-encompassing and not easily contained. In what facet of nature can we correlate most to this feeling and state of mind? Fire, a natural form of energy, has been a force we have all witnessed and been able to feel a deep sense of connection to since the beginning. The innate spirit of fire is fierce, whether it be small or vast, and so it is with each of our own aspirations and personalities. Its appearance serves not only as a symbol of power, but one of strength, vigor, life and unrelenting freedom, as its nature represents the duality of both destruction and creation alike. We are not so different in this sense, nor do we tend to lack any of the qualities a flame may possess. When our passion goes out we run cold, asleep in a way. Our embers dwindle, and we are kept alive only by holding on to time and luck. We produce nothing and all too often just wait for life to become warm again. However, what if our vigor wasn't dependent on time, but rather our awareness of just how much we and the nature of fire have in common? In what manner do we relate to a flame, and by what means can we ignite and stoke our inner spirit to a degree that will heat the hearts of others and continue to remain burning beyond a temporary period of time?

Let us first examine what fire is at its core. Fire is freedom; it is a beautiful and formless display of energy which does not take shape or feign. Fire is never static nor is ever owned. It is not capable of regret, and by this always serves as a spectacle and example of its circumstance. We feel its heat when we are far, and we feel it when we are close. keeping these attributes in mind, do you feel like you possess a similarity in any way to such a force? How do you feel when you observe a fire? Are you not filled with exhilaration? Fear? Wonder? In awe at every color and thread of smoke that follows? With the connection in mind, do you feel you possess these traits in one way or another, or does it seem your flame has gone out? It's crucial to inquire the reason you may not burn as you once did before, or why you may not feel as hot as you did at the beginning of a goal or aspiration or point in life. First off, your drive is not gone, it's just not as bright as it once was. If you're reading this then that means you're still alive, which also means your fire has not completely gone out. The very fact that we can even compare ourselves to something void of life shows our imagination and inspiration are still at work, and have not given up on you. Examining the qualities of a flame as read above is an appropriate first step in rekindling what was once possessed and stoking your fire to the degree in which you deserve. After having addressed what one should embody then, the next step is naturally to ascertain how we can restore our light and reinforce what fuels it.

What causes a fire to grow? Naturally, an abundance of materials that burn brightly, and places where its conditions allow the flame to thrive and not be easily put out. We generally see the wildest of fires occur in vast, dry forests, an environment that is ample in what causes such blazes and is also distant from any forces that could promptly put it out, thus preventing combustion and spreading. A not-so-fortunate occurrence, needless to say, but a prime example of our spirit nonetheless. With this in mind, what materials fuel your fire to its brightest? You rekindle your flame by taking in what makes you feel most like your ideal self. This could be what you are actively doing, what you are eating and drinking, or perhaps what you are reading and watching. These are all fuel sources; examine yours, and your answer will be evident. Though, if none of these factors seem to be the problem, then take into account your environment. Where do you feel your fire thrives, and is that where you are? Yes, even what you are subconsciously hearing and seeing each day determines how strong your drive is, so it is crucial we consider our surroundings and discern whether or not they are best for us. Painful or difficult as it may be, removing yourself from an environment that makes your fire feel like its dying is the best decision one can make, as it saves both themselves from being quickly reduced to ashes where they do not belong, and the environment that is being burned by its presence. The last thing we should be doing then is lying to ourselves and trying to believe that a negative influence isn't doing any harm. That being said, let us never delude ourselves into thinking that we can start a fire in the middle of an ocean, but rather dwell where we know we are in our element.

You are now exactly where you should be. You are fanning the flames and providing seemingly endless kindling to your fire without any winds or waters to bring you down. You feel strong, capable, free, and virtually unstoppable in everything you do. Although, while a raging fire may feel fierce and appear beautiful, nature shows that it can quickly grow out of control, and bring ruin to both itself and everything around it if not contained. What does this mean for us? We only know what we know, meaning that feeling as though there is nothing to fear could also result in making decisions rashly or speaking without consideration, resulting in outcomes that leave us a bit hotter than we can handle. Yes, we should be bold and open in our pursuits, but also cautious. If we mindlessly wander or say yes to everything thrown into our fire, what we build up may not be exactly what we are looking for, or expect. Of course it is exciting to engage in new experiences and places and crowds, but this does not mean that everything leads to wisdom and knowledge. We should always remain adventurous in our view of life, but not to a degree that is foolish. It is our decision what our flames burn from, so let us control our fire so that it does not grow beyond what we thought was harmless to ourselves or others. Each one of our fires is an example and something to witness, so let us embody one that others can warm themselves by, not one that is too wild or dangerous to come near.
Fire brings life, and life brings fire. Simple words, but a meaning that we can ponder over for years in every circumstance. The more we focus on what triggers the spark we sense when we truly feel alive, the more likely that spark will be able to develop into something that will set ablaze our future self; the individual who is resolute, unafraid to see how bright they can burn and how formless they can be in the midst of a cold, cowardly, and rigid world. After the dust settles, the truth is this passion is all we actually own, and while at times this fire may seem elusive, it can also return just as quickly if permitted. What, then, will be born from your ashes? It is your example that will either inspire many or put many out, so do not allow the needless fear of winds to extinguish what can be.